Maria L Madrigal Delgado

Maria L Madrigal Delgado's Fundraiser

What is PWS? Lets help people with PWS! image

What is PWS? Lets help people with PWS!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$105 towards $200

Join me and learn about Prader Willi Syndrome. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us create a full life without limits for everyone with PWS!

As many of you know Emiliana has PWS. Doctors in Costa Rica said they had no idea what was wrong with her and made no effort to find out. Then doctors in the U.S. finally diagnosed her and said she would never walk, talk, or live a normal life and would be lucky if she even made it to 18 yrs. old (she will be 21 this October). Here she is proving them all wrong. Prader Willi Syndrome is a complex, rare genetic disorder that results from an abnormality on the 15th chromosome. PWS is a lifelong, life-threatening condition. It is characterized by weak muscle tone (hypotonia), feeding difficulties, poor growth, and delayed development. Affected individuals develop an insatiable appetite, which leads to chronic overeating (hyperphagia) and obesity. People with PWS typically have mild to moderate intellectual impairment and learning disabilities. Behavioral problems are common, including temper outbursts, stubbornness, and compulsive behavior such as picking at the skin. Emi is 1 of the 15,000 who get it. She makes this syndrome look so good and does not let it stop her from living her best life.

Help us meet our goal for the Prader-Willi California Foundation. Feel free to join our team and come learn more about PWS on April 4th.