Donate now to support Rare Disease Day

Help support PWCF's advocacy for Prader-Willi syndrome

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raised towards $2,000 goal




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Help support PWCF's advocacy for Prader-Willi syndrome

Join Us in Advocating for Prader-Willi Syndrome

  • What do parents do when they have a child with Prader-Willi syndrome, a disorder few people have ever heard of?
  • What do they do when the doctor says their newborn doesn't need growth hormone yet, that they should "wait and see", when they know sooner is better?
  • What does a parent do when the hospital won't listen to them because their child isn't presenting as seriously ill, but they know something isn't right?
  • What does a parent do when their child's teacher keeps using food in the classroom?
  • What does a parent do when Regional Center says their child has graduated from the early intervention program and eligibility is being terminated?
  • What does a parent do when they need to apply for IHSS or SSI?

The answer to all these questions (and more) is that they call Prader-Willi California Foundation. PWCF helps advocate for appropriate services and support in all of these instances. This is just part of the work we do to support families who have a loved one with Prader-Willi syndrome. Your support allows us to continue this invaluable work.

We are the only organization in California exclusively serving the PWS community.