Tom and Patti McRae

Tom and Patti McRae's Fundraiser

Join us in supporting the Prader-Willi California Foundation image

Join us in supporting the Prader-Willi California Foundation

Help make a difference, please give today

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$3,000 towards $3,000

Please join me in supporting people in California
Prader-Willi syndrome

Once again, this year's walk is "virtual" with events occurring from July 26th thru 31st. Visit here if you want to learn more.

No doubt like all of you, the past year has been "interesting" for us. Our family signed up for weekday stretch classes on Zoom and watched movies most evenings. A lot of movies. With California opening up, we are taking daily walks around our neighborhood and weekly hikes at various Santa Clara County parks. Duncan is anxious for our swimming pool to reopen. Also, we are hoping to adopt a dog soon! Do you like the name "Gomer"? Yeah, neither does Duncan.

Our Prader-Willi California Foundation supports people with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and their families.

The foundation has been a tremendous help to our son Duncan, my wife Patti, and myself in dealing with the many challenges that PWS presents.

Your donation helps to provide these ongoing services:

  • Support of all newly diagnosed families in California
  • Funding of PWS Multidisciplinary Medical Clinics
  • Maintaining a 24-hour PWS Medical Crisis line
  • Providing the only medically specialized camp in California that exclusively serves persons with PWS
  • Producing educational articles, brochures, webinars, and a quarterly newsletter
  • Providing advocacy and support services to families and care providers
  • Educating and supporting teachers, physicians, and allied health professionals
  • And so much more!

Donating via this web page is what's best for us, but if you prefer to donate by check:

  • Make the check payable to: Prader-Willi California Foundation
  • Make a note on the check: Duncan McRae 2021 Virtual Walk
  • Mail the check to:

Prader-Willi California Foundation
1855 First Avenue, Suite 201
San Diego CA 92101.

Thank you for your support!

- Tom, Patti, and Duncan McRae